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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Secondary Education: English, BA

“An English major ... what are you going to do with that ... teach?” Why, yes!

Secondary English language arts teachers are privileged to teach content that allows them to get to know their students well through discussions about texts and through many forms of student writing. If you’re interested in sharing your love of language, literature and writing with others, this is the major for you.

In four years, you’ll not only have completed all the requirements for graduation, but also for teacher certification in West Virginia. You’ll have spent many hours in local schools, observing, tutoring and student teaching, and will be ready to apply for teaching positions or jobs in other educational settings.

Your Degree Plan


Aerial view of Martin and Woodburn Halls

Can you name a teacher who made a difference in your life? How about a book that changed the way you think? Being an English education major will give you the knowledge and skills needed to bring both of those gifts to other students.

Take advantage of special options related to this major:

  • Honors

    Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the WVU Honors College. Two programs are offered: Honors Foundations for first- and second-year students and Honors EXCEL for third- and fourth-year students.

    Explore Honors

The WVU Difference

What sets this program apart from its competitors?

  • The National Writing Project at WVU maintains a collection of books and other resources on the teaching of writing.
  • Work as a tutor or seek help with your own writing at the Eberly Writing Studio, a resource for writers across campus.
  • Many teacher-education programs only include one semester of student teaching. In our program, you're out in public middle and high schools beginning the first semester after you’re admitted to the program.
  • You'll complete the edTPA assessment, a nationally recognized mode of evaluating student teachers that will not only help you become a more reflective teacher, but will give you important practice for National Board Certification.
  • “Go First” every day working with students on the front lines of education as you teach them critical literacy skills.
  • The WVU student chapter of the National Council of Teachers of English, the NCTE Mountaineers, help plan and run the state-level English language arts conference hosted by the National Writing Project at WVU and the West Virginia Teachers of English.
  • Students have given professional presentations at the state-level English language arts conference and at other conferences both local and national.
  • Earn academic credit through Eberly internship courses.
  • 500+ scholarships awarded annually by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Academic Enrichment Program offers funding for activities that complement, extend and enhance your academic experience.

93% of WVU freshmen receive grants or scholarships (2023-24).

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Learn by Doing

Learning happens outside the classroom. Get involved.

Many English education majors have worked as tutors in the Eberly College Writing Studio or as assistants with the West Virginia Dialect Project. Both opportunities provide important practical experiences for future teachers, especially in terms of understanding more about how to approach writing and language instruction.

Others have volunteered with the Appalachian Prison Book Project, housed in the Department of English, helping provide books to incarcerated people in the region.

Student members of WVU’s student chapter of the National Council of Teachers of English have helped organize statewide conferences and presented at these conferences.

Network with professionals in your field as a student member of:

Live, study and pursue outside-the-classroom learning in a residence hall community that shares your interests:

Outside of the Evansdale Crossing building.

What you learn outside of the classroom is just as important as what you learn during class. We’ll help you follow your curiosity.

Careers and Outcomes

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Secondary School Teachers

Teach students in one or more subjects, such as English, mathematics or social studies, at the secondary level in public or private schools. May be designated according to subject matter specialty.

Median Salary: $65,220

Possible job titles include: English Teacher, Math Teacher (Mathematics Teacher), Social Studies Teacher, Teacher.

Explore Career

Where Graduates are Working

Outside of teaching, graduates use their classroom experience to pursue careers with:

  • 4-H
  • The Boys and Girls Clubs of America
  • The Literacy Lab
  • Other nonprofit educational and mentoring organizations

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to WVU's Secondary Education: English major, first-time freshmen must meet WVU's first-time freshman admission requirements. Interested in transferring? Review the transfer admission requirements.

Tuition and Aid

How much does Secondary Education: English at WVU cost? And how can you save?

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates are available on our tuition website. Anyone who is not a current West Virginia resident, including international students, will be charged non-resident rates.

View Tuition and Fees


Estimate your eligibility for merit scholarships at WVU Morgantown.

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Net Price Calculator

Estimate your cost of attendance and eligibility for financial aid and scholarships at any WVU System campus.

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Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending WVU in addition to university scholarships.

Financial Aid

The most important step toward funding your future with financial aid for the Secondary Education: English major is submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

How to Complete the FAFSA

Transfer Articulation Agreements

To simplify the transfer process, we have formal agreements with certain institutions. These agreements outline the courses you should take to prepare for transferring to WVU.

Review the full list of transfer articulation agreements to see if your institution is listed.

Learn How to Transfer Course Credits

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