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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Forensic Biology, BS

In many forensic investigations, biologically-based evidence is the most critical piece to solving the case. Positively identifying unknown materials as human body fluids can demonstrate that someone was injured, that a piece of clothing was worn or that an object was held in someone’s mouth.

The development of DNA profiling in the 1980s and 1990s made the analysis of biological evidence from crime scenes even more important, as it gives analysts the ability to identify the source of biological material with extraordinary precision. Currently, DNA analysis stands as the gold standard of a rigorously science-based field under the greater umbrella of forensic science.

As a Forensic Biology major, you'll be trained as a scientist, starting a two-year foundation in chemistry, math, physics and core biology topics like ecology, evolution, organismal physiology and cell biology basics. In the junior and senior years, you will focus on cell biology, genetics and biochemistry — essential knowledge for careers in the field. This curriculum meets FBI educational requirements for DNA analysts.

However, forensic biology goes beyond DNA. Death investigators combine classical investigative techniques with biological knowledge to help medical examiners determine cause and manner of death.

You will gain hands-on experience in evidence collection and preservation, microscopy and serology, along with documentation and reporting skills. These skills are reinforced across the curriculum and during a department-supported internship, which helps with networking, refining career goals and preparing for employment.

To further tailor your degree, you can choose elective courses that fit your interests, skills and future career goals.

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Aerial view of Martin and Woodburn Halls

Deep within nearly every cell is a unique set of genetic markers. When a crime occurs, recovering those genetic markers and determining who they belong to is a job for forensic biologists.

Take advantage of special options related to this major:

  • Honors

    Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the WVU Honors College. Two programs are offered: Honors Foundations for first- and second-year students and Honors EXCEL for third- and fourth-year students.

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The WVU Difference

What sets this program apart from its competitors?

  • Full accreditation, Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission, 2024
  • Fully functioning DNA analysis laboratory with state-of-the-art instrumentation to include 7,500 Real Time PCR and 3500 Genetic Analyzer.
  • Utilization of most current FBI CODIS core loci kit chemistries.
  • Four crime scene houses for training investigators – the largest in the nation.
  • Vehicle processing garage.
  • Partnerships with more than 200 vetted forensic internship sites around the U.S.
  • All teaching faculty have a mix of practical experience and academic credentials, with 300+ years of combined experience.
  • Agreement with FBI-Criminal Justice Information Services division includes FBI instructor-led training in fingerprint classification.
  • Nikon Camera Locker Program provides access to state-of-the art cameras throughout the undergraduate program.
  • Applied BioSystems partnership supports DNA extraction and profiling at the undergraduate level.
  • Cogent Systems Automated Fingerprint Identification System access and training.
  • Hemospat, Inc. offers access to professional-grade blood stain pattern reconstruction software.
  • J. Edgar Hoover Foundation Scholarships: Two two-year partial scholarships awarded to juniors demonstrating financial need and academic excellence.
  • International Association for Identification Collection, located in the WVU Libraries, includes the research library of the organization and resources dating to the 19th century.
  • ForensicsNETbase, an online repository of forensic science texts from publisher Taylor-Frances/CRC, is available through the WVU Libraries.
  • SpeakWrite Certified Major automatically fulfills the WVU General Education Foundations (GEF) writing and communication skills requirement.
  • Case analysis in partnership with the West Virginia Innocence Project and the WVU College of Law.
  • Relationships with WVU Pathology Assistant Program, State Fire Marshall’s Office, Marshall University Forensic Science Center and the West Virginia State Police Crime Laboratory.
  • Forensic photography laboratory with full overhead lighting tracks.
  • Decomposition and remains excavation training site at the WVU Horticultural Farm.
  • Earn academic credit through Eberly internship courses.
  • 500+ scholarships awarded annually by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Academic Enrichment Program offers funding for activities that complement, extend and enhance your academic experience.

93% of WVU freshmen receive grants or scholarships (2023-24).

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Learn by Doing

Learning happens outside the classroom. Get involved.

Most Forensic and Investigative Science faculty accept and encourage undergraduate research. Undergraduates have presented research at both regional and national conferences. Some recent areas of undergraduate research that students may assist graduate students with are:

  • Rapid analysis of DNA mixtures
  • Male DNA recovery from sexual assault samples
  • DNA preservation in entomological samples
  • DNA mixture interpretation software analysis
  • Biological fluid analysis using epigenetic loci
  • Recovery of biological fluids utilizing the MVAC wet-vacuum system

Depending on the project, undergraduates can begin research as soon as their freshman year. Some projects can go on for several years, even sparking an interesting graduate project. Many Forensic Biology students have taken part in the WVU Undergraduate Research Office’s Research Apprenticeship Program and Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program, depending on their interests.

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What you learn outside of the classroom is just as important as what you learn during class. We’ll help you follow your curiosity.

Careers and Outcomes

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Fire Inspectors and Investigators

Conduct investigations to determine causes of fires and explosions.

Median Salary: $74,160

Possible job titles include: Arson Investigator, Fire Investigator, Fire Marshal, State Fire Marshal.

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Detectives and Criminal Investigators

Investigate alleged or suspected criminal violations of Federal, state, or local laws to determine if evidence is sufficient to recommend prosecution.

Median Salary: $91,100

Possible job titles include: Criminal Investigator, Detective, Investigator, Special Agent.

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Police Identification and Records Officers

Collect evidence at crime scene, classify and identify fingerprints, and photograph evidence for use in criminal and civil cases.

Median Salary: $91,100

Possible job titles include: Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Scene Technician, Criminalist, Forensic Specialist.

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Direct activities such as autopsies, pathological and toxicological analyses, and inquests relating to the investigation of deaths occurring within a legal jurisdiction to determine cause of death or to fix responsibility for accidental, violent, or unexplained deaths.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $75,670

Possible job titles include: Coroner, County Coroner, Deputy Coroner, Medical Examiner.

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Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts

Obtain evidence, take statements, produce reports, and testify to findings regarding resolution of fraud allegations. May coordinate fraud detection and prevention activities.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $78,310

Possible job titles include: Certified Fraud Examiner, Inspector General, Investigator, Special Agent.

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Forensic Science Technicians

Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Perform tests on weapons or substances, such as fiber, hair, and tissue to determine significance to investigation. May testify as expert witnesses on evidence or crime laboratory techniques. May serve as specialists in area of expertise, such as ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, or biochemistry.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $64,940

Possible job titles include: Crime Laboratory Analyst, Crime Scene Technician (Crime Scene Tech), CSI (Crime Scene Investigator), Forensic Scientist.

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Intelligence Analysts

Gather, analyze, or evaluate information from a variety of sources, such as law enforcement databases, surveillance, intelligence networks or geographic information systems. Use intelligence data to anticipate and prevent organized crime activities, such as terrorism.

Median Salary: $91,100

Possible job titles include: Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Criminal Research Specialist, Intelligence Analyst, Supervisor Intelligence Analyst.

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Where Graduates are Working

  • DNA analysis
  • Serology work in crime labs
  • Crime scene investigators
  • Death investigators
  • Genetic analysis

Areas of Graduate Study

Graduates have pursued advanced degrees in:

  • Forensic science
  • Biology
  • Genetics
  • Biochemistry

Graduates who stay in forensics fields gain critical experience in aspects of DNA analysis such as:

  • Degraded DNA
  • Low copy number DNA

The Forensic Biology major also meets admission criteria for most professional schools, such as medical, dental or osteopathic schools.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to WVU's Forensic Biology major, first-time freshmen must meet WVU's first-time freshman admission requirements. They also must meet one of the following admission requirements. Interested in transferring? Review the transfer admission requirements.

Tuition and Aid

How much does Forensic Biology at WVU cost? And how can you save?

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates are available on our tuition website. Anyone who is not a current West Virginia resident, including international students, will be charged non-resident rates.

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Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending WVU in addition to university scholarships.

Financial Aid

The most important step toward funding your future with financial aid for the Forensic Biology major is submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

How to Complete the FAFSA

Transfer Articulation Agreements

To simplify the transfer process, we have formal agreements with certain institutions. These agreements outline the courses you should take to prepare for transferring to WVU.

Review the full list of transfer articulation agreements to see if your institution is listed.

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