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School of Public Health

Health Services Administration, BS

Health service managers are typically responsible for planning, coordinating and directing the delivery of quality service to those receiving services in hospitals, clinics and other health-related organizations. Their responsibilities include many of the operational duties, such as overseeing the training and recruitment of staff, following and maintaining budgetary and fiscal records, and managing daily operations.

Your Degree Plan


Aerial view of Martin and Woodburn Halls

Want to go on to get a master of health administration degree and work in a hospital system? This major is a perfect fit for you.

Take advantage of special options related to this major:

  • Honors

    Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the WVU Honors College. Two programs are offered: Honors Foundations for first- and second-year students and Honors EXCEL for third- and fourth-year students.

    Explore Honors

The WVU Difference

What sets this program apart from its competitors?

  • As the only program in West Virginia to be granted membership in the Association for University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), students and faculty have exclusive access to a resource-rich network, maintaining the program's delivery of cutting-edge health administration and policy education and training.
  • Career development. Scot McIntosh, director of career development and student success, teaches a course on careers in public health, has his own job board and helps with a variety of career needs.
  • Real-world experience gives students a competitive edge in the marketplace and academia.
  • The School of Public Health has a long history of collaborating with agencies and organizations at the local, state, national and international level.
  • Health Services Administration faculty collaborate on research and service projects that provide valuable opportunities for students.
  • Our professional staff are continually building partnerships with new entities willing to host our students for professional, hands-on experience.

93% of WVU freshmen receive grants or scholarships (2023-24).

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Learn by Doing

Learning happens outside the classroom. Get involved.

The Undergraduate Research Group is dedicated to helping undergraduate students find research mentors and connect with research going on in the School of Public Health.

All students complete field placement and capstone experiences as their culminating coursework. During their senior year, every undergraduate student is required to complete an internship of a minimum of 125 hours in a health agency where they can put their classroom lessons to work. All students engage with agency partners, gain experience in the workplace and demonstrate acquisition of competencies.

Partner organizations include:

  • Girls on the Run of North Central West Virginia
  • WVU Injury Control Research Center
  • Monongalia County Health Department
  • Well WVU
  • Greater Morgantown Safe Communities
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC)
  • Drug Free Moms and Babies Project
  • WVU Medicine
  • West Virginia Bureau for Public Health

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Live, study and pursue outside-the-classroom learning in a residence hall community that shares your interests:

Outside of the Evansdale Crossing building.

What you learn outside of the classroom is just as important as what you learn during class. We’ll help you follow your curiosity.

Careers and Outcomes

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Medical and Health Services Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations.

Has a Bright Outlook

Median Salary: $110,680

Possible job titles include: Health Information Management Director, Health Information Management Corporate Director, Nurse Manager, Office Manager.

Explore Career

Compliance Managers

Plan, direct or coordinate activities of an organization to ensure compliance with ethical or regulatory standards.

Median Salary: $133,560

Possible job titles include: Compliance Coordinator, Compliance Manager, Compliance Officer, Director of Compliance.

Explore Career

Where Graduates are Working

  • Clinical/administrative healthcare
  • Health services
  • Population settings, such as health departments

Areas of Graduate Study

Graduates have pursued advanced degrees in:

  • Public health
  • Health administration

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to WVU's Health Services Administration major, first-time freshmen must meet WVU's first-time freshman admission requirements. They also must meet one of the following admission requirements. Interested in transferring? Review the transfer admission requirements.

Tuition and Aid

How much does Health Services Administration at WVU cost? And how can you save?

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates are available on our tuition website. Anyone who is not a current West Virginia resident, including international students, will be charged non-resident rates.

View Tuition and Fees


Estimate your eligibility for merit scholarships at WVU Morgantown.

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Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending WVU in addition to university scholarships.

Financial Aid

The most important step toward funding your future with financial aid for the Health Services Administration major is submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

How to Complete the FAFSA

Transfer Articulation Agreements

To simplify the transfer process, we have formal agreements with certain institutions. These agreements outline the courses you should take to prepare for transferring to WVU.

Review the full list of transfer articulation agreements to see if your institution is listed.

Learn How to Transfer Course Credits

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