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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Women's and Gender Studies, BA

The Center for Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) at WVU advances interdisciplinary research and innovative teaching to inspire new generations of gender and sexuality scholars and leaders.

  • The mission of WGST is to examine the complex interplay of power and difference across multiple intersecting categories — including gender, race, sexuality, class, age, ability and nationality.
  • As a WGST student, you'll develop tools for addressing social inequities in everyday life.
  • WGST is an interdisciplinary field that embraces humanities, arts, social science and STEM fields. You'll investigate the meanings of categorization and difference on local and global levels.

Your Degree Plan


Students look at a historical poster.

Learn to see past stereotypes and explore the ways gender, socioeconomic class, sexual identity, gender identity, nationality, race, ethnicity and age shape experience.

Through our interdisciplinary curriculum, you will learn to analyze inequities and differences while developing valuable real-world skills that will enable you to be an agent of change in your community and the world.

As a WGST major, you're required to take a sequence of core courses. These courses provide the analytic framework for the study of women, gender and sexuality that will inform all courses in the major.

Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies, Feminist Histories and Practices, Feminist Theories, Queer Theories and Senior Capstone

Elective Courses
After completing some of the core coursework, you will take a number of elective courses from various disciplines. This flexibility lets you shape your curriculum to support your career and professional development goals. You'll work closely with faculty advisers to select courses that balance breadth of knowledge with your specific interests.

You can find a list of electives in the undergraduate catalog. You may also petition for courses not listed in the catalog to count for the major.

Minor Field
You must complete a minor or second major. Our program's interdisciplinary nature gives you the freedom to explore a secondary field of your choice. Popular pairings include Psychology, Biology, English, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Criminology, Forensics and Native American Studies.

Take advantage of special options related to this major:

  • Honors

    Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the WVU Honors College. Two programs are offered: Honors Foundations for first- and second-year students and Honors EXCEL for third- and fourth-year students.

    Explore Honors

The WVU Difference

What sets this program apart from its competitors?

  • Our faculty have international and national reputations for their research and teaching.
  • Our faculty are not only WGST experts in but are trained in a variety of fields including biology, geography, history and English.
  • You are never “just a number” in WGST! You'll receive a hands-on education and develop close relationships with faculty and students.
  • Our graduates work in a wide range of fields, from medicine to community organizing.
  • We offer a wide range of scholarships and awards.
  • You'll have opportunities for internships, independent studies, travel courses, study abroad, service learning and hands-on research with faculty.
  • SpeakWrite Certified Major automatically fulfills the WVU General Education Foundations (GEF) writing and communication skills requirement.
  • Earn academic credit through Eberly internship courses.
  • 500+ scholarships awarded annually by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Academic Enrichment Program offers funding for activities that complement, extend and enhance your academic experience.

93% of WVU freshmen receive grants or scholarships (2023-24).

Learn more

Learn by Doing

Learning happens outside the classroom. Get involved.

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
An 8-week WVU summer program for students interested in graduate school and research/creative work in their discipline or a related discipline. Participants work under the direction of a WVU faculty research mentor and a graduate or post-doctoral mentor. Students interested in research careers are especially encouraged to apply.

Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
A two-semester WVU program for students with limited or no research experience. Students can earn course credit and use federal work-study funds for undergraduate research apprenticeships with WVU research faculty.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
Many of our students are offered the opportunity to serve as undergraduate teaching assistants in WGST courses. This unique opportunity provides hands-on experience in the classroom.

While each student’s experience as an undergraduate teaching assistant varies, TAs typically assist with grading and classroom management. The supervising faculty member will provide each TA with an experience tailored to their goals, strengths and experience.

Students earn credit hours in WGST 491 for serving as an undergraduate teaching assistant. This course counts as an elective for WGST majors and minors.

Connect with other students who share your academic interests as a member of:

View all of the student organizations you can join.

We strongly encourage WGST students to complete internships. Working closely with your adviser, we tailor the internship destination and experience to your unique goals and skills.

If you're interested in pursuing careers in the non-profit sector, there are numerous opportunities to gain valuable experience at local and national organizations like the Morgantown Human Rights Commission, Planned Parenthood, Feminist Majority Foundation, Sexy Sex Ed, Appalachian Prison Book Project, The Stay Project, WVU Women's Resource Center and WVU LGBTQ+ Center, among others.

Attending college will prepare you for many things. The Women's and Gender Studies major will give you the following skills:

  • Demonstrate understanding of key concepts of the interdisciplinary field of Women's and Gender Studies, including how gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability and legal status shape experiences of individuals and interlocking systems of power from local to global scales.
  • Use critical thinking skills and interdisciplinary feminist, gender or queer approaches to research, revising and presenting knowledge.
  • Employ interdisciplinary feminist, gender or queer methodologies to problem solving evidenced through multiple modalities of communication.
  • Apply feminist, gender or queer theory, methods and praxis to scholarship, activism or public engagement in the classroom, social institutions, the community or the workplace.

Live, study and pursue outside-the-classroom learning in a residence hall community that shares your interests:

Outside of the Evansdale Crossing building.

What you learn outside of the classroom is just as important as what you learn during class. We’ll help you follow your curiosity.

Careers and Outcomes

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Gender, Culture and Society

Career path: Social worker, counselor, educator, non-profit leader, national service

Suggested courses: Women in Movies; Feminist Histories and Practices; Women in Appalachia; Methods for Inclusive Research; Gender and Violence; Sexuality in American Culture Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies; Men and Masculinities; Teaching Practicum

Health and Medicine

Career path: Physician, nursing, healthcare administration, public health researcher, women's health professions, LGBTQ+ health professions

Suggested courses: Women’s Health and Fitness; Women in Science; Gender and Violence; Sex and Science at the Movies; Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies; Methods for Inclusive Research

Law and Justice

Career path: Law school, lawyer, policing, public policy

Suggested courses: Feminist Histories and Practices; Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies; Gender and Violence; Methods for Inclusive Research; Women's Movements Since 1960

Social Justice, Advocacy and Community Organizing

Career path: Nonprofit leader, community organizer, political office, nonprofit sector, social services

Suggested courses: Feminist Histories and Practices; Women in Appalachia; Gender and Violence; Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies; Methods for Inclusive Research; Women in International Development; Men and Masculinities

Fields of Study

Our students often go on to complete graduate programs in other fields at WVU including (but not limited to):

  • History
  • English
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Medicine
  • Education
  • Public Policy
  • Psychology

WVU Graduate Certificate

While WVU does not have a stand-alone graduate program in WGST, we do have a Graduate Certificate.

This certificate program requires a student to be enrolled in a graduate program in any field at WVU. Students work closely with an adviser in WGST to tailor a minimum of 15 credit hours of courses relevant to women’s and gender studies.

Meet Your Community

The Women's and Gender Studies family will inspire and support you.


Common questions and answers about Women's and Gender Studies.

    • Admitted students may submit the Change of Major form to request a new major.
    • This form is for prospective students only. Currently enrolled students must meet with their academic adviser.
    • Please review the admissions requirements to ensure that you are eligible for the requested major. Requests will not be processed if ineligible.

Places and Spaces

Learn about all of the places and spaces you'll learn in.

Featurette - LGBTQ+ Center

LGBTQ+ Center

The LGBTQ+ Center offers inclusive programming and outreach initiatives for WVU students, faculty, staff and broader community members. We collaborate with and support the University’s larger social justice efforts by providing inclusive, academic and curricular development education on all WVU campuses, by advocating for members of our community and by building coalitions and services. We also work throughout WVU campuses and across the state to improve understanding of LGBTQIA+ issues and community engagement.

Explore the LGBTQ+ Center

Women's Resource Center

The Women's Resource Center (WRC) offers an inclusive environment where students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in programs, obtain resources and services, and engage in dialogue related to gender awareness and equity.

Explore the Women's Resource Center
  • Virtual Tour
    It's the next-best thing to being here – you can virtually tour residence halls and the WVU Morgantown Campus.
  • Student Life
    You will have it all here — epic traditions, quality academics and a supportive community that feels like home.
  • Visit
    Experience WVU in person and start imagining life as a Mountaineer!

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to WVU's Women's and Gender Studies major, first-time freshmen must meet WVU's first-time freshman admission requirements. Interested in transferring? Review the transfer admission requirements.

Tuition and Aid

How much does Women's and Gender Studies at WVU cost? And how can you save?

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates are available on our tuition website. Anyone who is not a current West Virginia resident, including international students, will be charged non-resident rates.

View Tuition and Fees


Estimate your eligibility for merit scholarships at WVU Morgantown.

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Net Price Calculator

Estimate your cost of attendance and eligibility for financial aid and scholarships at any WVU System campus.

Visit the Net Price Calculator

Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending WVU in addition to university scholarships.

Financial Aid

The most important step toward funding your future with financial aid for the Women's and Gender Studies major is submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

How to Complete the FAFSA

Transfer Articulation Agreements

To simplify the transfer process, we have formal agreements with certain institutions. These agreements outline the courses you should take to prepare for transferring to WVU.

Review the full list of transfer articulation agreements to see if your institution is listed.

Learn How to Transfer Course Credits

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Learn how to join the WVU family.

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Want to know more about Women's and Gender Studies at WVU? Fill out our request form to receive more information.

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Your first step to becoming a Mountaineer is applying for admission using our convenient online application.

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