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Log in to WVU Portal

Claim your account and log in to the WVU Portal, a gateway to important online programs you will need to complete your enrollment steps.

Steps to Complete

  1. Go to and select Claim Account.
  2. Enter your name, date of birth and WVU ID number, which is a 9-digit number beginning with 800 that's included in your acceptance email and acceptance letter. You will then receive the information needed to access WVU Portal.
  3. Please contact the WVU IT Service Desk for assistance or troubleshooting. We also have answers to common questions about WVU Portal.

Does your family want access to your records? Give them access using the WVU Parent/Guest Portal.

A gold flag with the Flying WV logo and "Let's go." message flies in front of Woodburn Tower.

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Admissions Counselors

Have questions about your next steps? Or about submitting your deposit? Your WVU admissions counselor is an expert on these topics (and many more, so ask them anything!). And it’s literally their job to chat with you! Reach out to them any time.

Contact Your Counselor

Office of Admissions

Our Admissions staff can assist with any questions or issues you encounter as you continue the steps to enroll. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (except for University holidays). Call us at 304-293-2121 or fill out our contact form.

Contact Admissions