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How to apply for WVU Scholarships

We automatically review your admissions application for merit scholarships.

No Separate Application

Most merit scholarships do not require a separate application. We automatically review your admissions application to see if you're eligible.

Other WVU scholarships, such as leadership scholarships, require a separate application.

Deadline: August 1

First-time freshmen must be admitted by August 1 to be considered for merit scholarships. See our merit deadline FAQ for answers to common questions.

Other WVU scholarships may have different deadlines.

Update Your Scores

After you're admitted, you may submit an updated GPA or test score through August 1.

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Financial Aid

Already admitted to WVU? Our Financial Aid staff can help you with questions about the FAFSA, your aid offer, accepting aid, submitting external scholarships to WVU, etc. Use the WVU Hub to request assistance.

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Admissions Counselors

Have questions about submitting your application for admission? Or about your next steps after being admitted? Your WVU admissions counselor is an expert on these topics (and many more, so ask them anything!).

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Office of Admissions

Our Admissions staff can assist with any questions or issues you encounter as you apply to WVU. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (except University holidays). Call us at 304-293-2121 or fill out our contact form.

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