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Emergency COVID-19 Federal Grant Common Questions

The following information is based on the latest guidance available from the Department of Education and is subject to change. WVU will notify students and families as soon as possible of any changes.

Questions will be added and updated as information becomes available. If you can't find the answer to your question, please submit a question or email

Do I need to submit an application to be considered for a Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant?

Eligible international students will receive an email from the Office of Global Affairs containing an application they can submit for consideration.

Domestic students do not need to go through an application process aside from submitting a 2021-2022 FAFSA by January 26, 2022. Those who have submitted a FAFSA will be automatically reviewed for eligibility based on the outlined criteria.

How will I know if an emergency grant has been posted to my account?

To view whether an emergency grant has been posted to your account, please access WVU MyAccount via the WVU Portal (instructions available on our WVU MyAccount Tutorials webpage). Then select “View Activity,” and select “Spring 2022.” The grant will appear in your account activity as “ARPA Emergency Grant.”

I am a graduate or a professional student. Will I be considered for the Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant?

Graduate and professional students who meet the outlined eligibility criteria will be considered.

I am a student enrolled in a WVU Online program. Will I be considered for the Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant?

Yes. Students enrolled in WVU Online programs who meet the outlined eligibility criteria will be considered.

I am an international student. Will I be considered for the Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant?

Yes. Eligible international students will receive an email from the Office of Global Affairs with a link to an application they may submit for consideration.

If I choose for my emergency grant to apply to an outstanding balance, can I change my mind?

No. Once WVU receives indication that you'd like your grant to apply to your outstanding balance, the process to apply the funds to your balance begins and cannot be reversed.

What is an Expected Family Contribution (EFC)?

Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a number created by the U.S. Department of Education after you submit a FAFSA. When determining your EFC, the department considers information provided on your FAFSA such as income, assets, family size, where you live, and the number of children your family has in college.

Despite the name, your EFC is not what you are actually expected to contribute financially to your education. Your EFC determines how much need-based financial aid you may be eligible to receive. By reviewing students for the Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant based on their EFC, WVU is prioritizing students with the greatest financial need.

Where can I find my EFC?

Your EFC can be found on your Student Aid Report (SAR), which is sent to you by Federal Student Aid after you submit your FAFSA for the aid year. If you don’t have your SAR email on hand, you can also access a copy online using these instructions:

  1. Go to the Federal Student Aid website
  2. Click “Log In”
  3. Click the “I am the student” option
  4. Enter your Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) to log in
  5. Accept the terms of usage (if prompted)
  6. Make sure you are viewing the correct aid year’s tab
  7. Scroll to the “You can also” section
  8. Click on the link to “View or Print your Student Aid Report (SAR)”
  9. Your EFC will show at the top right of your SAR

Will students from all WVU campuses be reviewed for a Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant?

Yes. Students from all WVU campuses and WVU Online will be reviewed for eligibility if they meet the eligibility criteria and submitted a 2021-2022 FAFSA by January 26, 2022.

Will the Spring 2022 ARPA Emergency Grant automatically apply to the balance due on my account?

No, this emergency grant will not automatically apply to any outstanding balance. It is your choice if you would like to use your emergency grant to make a payment on your balance due, if applicable. WVU will reach out ahead of time to recipients of the grant who owe a balance to ask if they would like their grant to pay toward their balance due instead of receiving it as a refund.

Will there be additional emergency financial assistance available for future semesters?

The University is continuing to monitor what funds may be available for future semesters; however, at this time, no further emergency grant funding is expected. Students and families will be notified as soon as possible if further emergency financial assistance may be granted.