These are some of our largest, longest-running events of interest to the Black community. Many more are offered by student organizations and campus departments. To find student org events, visit WVUEngage. Also check the WVU calendar for a complete schedule of what's happening on campus.
Diversity Week
Diversity Week is designed to create an atmosphere that provides the WVU community opportunities to explore different cultures, engage in discussions that bring new perspectives and celebrate the presence of, and contributions made by, people of all identities and experiences.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Annual Unity Breakfast
Sponsored by the Center for Black Culture and Research, the Unity Breakfast honors Dr. King's work, life and legacy. Recent keynote speakers have included WVU grad Eugene Napoleon, a business owner and former Arena Football League player, and author Deesha Philyaw, whose book, "The Secret Lives of Church Ladies," was published by WVU Press and was named a 2020 National Book Award finalist in fiction.
Center for Black Culture Homecoming Tailgate
Stop by this tailgate for some food and entertainment as you're headed to the annual homecoming football game at Milan Puskar Stadium. It's free, open to the public and a great place to connect with WVU alumni and friends.
Belmear Welcome Back BBQ
Held during the first week of the fall semester, the annual Belmear Welcome Back BBQ celebrates the start of the academic year. All students, faculty and staff are invited to gather at the Center for Black Culture to enjoy free food and live music.
Black History Month Activities
The Black History Month events schedule is usually finalized in late January or early February. Watch your WVU email for announcements in ENEWS (for employees) and UNEWS (for students), and check the WVU calendar.
African Drum and Dance Ensemble Annual Concert
This performance at the Creative Arts Center, typically during Black History Month, features the School of Music’s African Drum and Dance Ensemble.
Step Show (National Pan-Hellenic Council)
Members of WVU’s National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) fraternities and sororities showcase their stepping, theatrics, stunts and exciting dance moves each spring at the popular NPHC step show.