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We Have The Answers
We've collected some common questions and answers about WVU. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us.
- Can I pause the proctored assessment once I begin?
- Am I permitted to smoke on campus?
- Am I required to complete NSO?
- Are lockers available for students?
- Are new students guaranteed housing?
- Are new students required to live in residence halls?
- Are there dining options for students on special diets?
- Are there mental health services on campus?
- Are you a public or private institution?
- Can first-time freshman bring cars to campus, and if so, how can I purchase a parking permit?
- Can I apply through The Common Application?
- Can I audit a class?
- Can I be admitted if I was home-schooled for high school?
- Can I be admitted with a TASC, GED or HiSET?
- Can I buy my books online?
- Can I defer my admission?
- Can I do community service?
- Can I double major?
- Can I get a campus map?
- Can I get credit for college classes I take as a high school student?
- Can I get driving directions to campus?
- Can I have a blank piece of paper to write on for the ALEKS assessment?
- Can I repeat a class?
- Can I see a copy of the Residency Law?
- Can I skip a question on the ALEKS assessment?
- Can I take a practice assessment?
- Can I take a virtual tour of the campus?
- Can I take classes at WVU while I am still in high school?
- Can I take classes without seeking a degree?
- Can I transfer my financial aid to or from another school?
- Can I update my GPA and test scores after being admitted?
- Can international students work during their studies?
- Can parents see their student's financial aid, tuition payment info or grades?
- Can scholarships be deferred?
- Can the ALEKS assessment be waived?
- Can the application fee be waived?
- Can you recommend a loan provider?
- Can you send me information about your school?
- Do athletes have their own residence hall?
- Do freshmen take a first-year seminar?
- Do I have to complete an exit interview for financial aid?
- Do I have to complete loan entrance counseling?
- Do I have to complete the 8 hours of remediation if I want to take a second proctored ALEKS attempt?
- Do I have to declare a major to apply?
- Do I have to pay the academic deposit if I'm receiving a scholarship?
- Do I have to set up my WVU Portal before taking ALEKS?
- Do I have to submit immunization records?
- Do I have to submit the academic deposit to take ALEKS?
- Do I have to take ALEKS again if I took the assessment for dual enrollment or ACCESS courses?
- Do I have to take ALEKS if I have ACT or SAT scores, AP or IB credit, or dual enrollment courses?
- Do I have to take the TEAS test?
- Do I have to verify funds to attend?
- Do I need to come to campus to take ALEKS?
- Do I need to take the ALEKS math assessment?
- Do senior citizens get a discount?
- Do students have to pay for tickets to sporting events?
- Do you accept IB or AP credits?
- Do you accept veteran education benefits?
- Do you allow pets in student housing?
- Do you have a career services center?
- Do you have a foreign language requirement?
- Do you have a graduate school?
- Do you have a marching band?
- Do you have a student newspaper?
- Do you have a Work Study Program?
- Do you have an alumni association?
- Do you have an Honors program?
- Do you have co-ed residence halls?
- Do you have direct admit for nursing?
- Do you have information for high school counselors?
- Do you have jobs?
- Do you have off-campus housing?
- Do you have ROTC?
- Do you offer a child care service?
- Do you offer a study abroad program?
- Do you offer a tuition payment plan?
- Do you offer co-operative education (Co-op)?
- Do you offer continuing education?
- Do you offer English as a Second Language ESL courses?
- Do you offer evening and weekend courses?
- Do you offer express service for transcripts?
- Do you offer financial aid for international students?
- Do you offer GED preparation classes?
- Do you offer graduate assistantships?
- Do you offer health insurance?
- Do you offer online courses?
- Do you offer scholarships for international students?
- Do you offer scholarships for out-of-state students?
- Do you offer summer courses?
- Do you offer transfer scholarships?
- Do you offer tutoring?
- Do you participate in the TEACH Grant program?
- Do you require a personal statement or essay?
- Do you require letters of recommendation?
- Do you require personal interviews or auditions?
- Do you require the CSS PROFILE?
- Do your residence halls have internet access?
- Does my Adventure WV First-Year Trip count as my NSO?
- Does NSO have a fee associated with it?
- Does the ALEKS score transfer to other universities?
- Does WVU adhere to the May 1 national deadline?
- Does WVU have a Common Read?
- Does your school have a wireless network?
- How and when will I receive my financial aid?
- How are my transfer credits evaluated?
- How big is the Morgantown campus?
- How can I confirm enrollment or a degree?
- How can I get a copy of my timetable?
- How can I learn about WVU from home?
- How can I see my residence hall room?
- How can I submit outside scholarships and 529 college savings plan payments to WVU?
- How can I talk to other future Mountaineers?
- How diverse is your student body?
- How do I access eCampus?
- How do I access my email?
- How do I access STAR?
- How do I add a class after the deadline?
- How do I appeal an admissions decision?
- How do I apply as a guest student?
- How do I apply as a transfer student?
- How do I apply as an adult re-entry student?
- How do I apply as an international student?
- How do I apply for a scholarship?
- How do I apply for a student visa?
- How do I apply for financial aid?
- How do I apply for housing?
- How do I apply for the RN to BSN?
- How do I apply to WVU as test optional?
- How do I apply?
- How do I become an independent student?
- How do I change my email password?
- How do I change my major or minor if currently enrolled at WVU?
- How do I change my personal information?
- How do I check the status of my financial aid application?
- How do I check the status of my transfer credits?
- How do I choose a roommate?
- How do I complete my Master Promissory Note (MPN)?
- How do I contact a student, staff member or department?
- How do I contact the Admissions Office?
- How do I contact the Financial Aid Office?
- How do I contact the Housing Office?
- How do I contact the Registrar's Office?
- How do I correct an error on my application?
- How do I drop or withdraw from a class?
- How do I earn term honors?
- How do I establish residency?
- How do I file an academic appeal?
- How do I find an internship?
- How do I find my adviser?
- How do I find out my account balance?
- How do I find out my class rank?
- How do I find the dimensions of my room?
- How do I get a copy of my WVU transcript?
- How do I get a course catalog?
- How do I get a parking permit?
- How do I get a refund on my academic deposit?
- How do I get a refund on my housing deposit?
- How do I get a student ID card?
- How do I get a WVU Login?
- How do I get my international transcript evaluated?
- How do I know if my payment went through?
- How do I pay for housing?
- How do I pay my tuition?
- How do I put my name on the mailing list?
- How do I reapply?
- How do I register for classes as a new student?
- How do I register my accommodations with the Office of Student Accommodations?
- How do I remove my name from the directory?
- How do I renew my scholarship?
- How do I schedule a campus tour?
- How do I see all the courses I have taken?
- How do I submit my resident alien card?
- How do I submit my transcript?
- How do I submit proof of health insurance?
- How do I withdraw from the school?
- How does WVU award scholarships to first-time students?
- How is my GPA calculated?
- How is the weather?
- How long does it take to the get my ALEKS results?
- How long is each term?
- How many courses can I take per term?
- How many credits do I need to graduate?
- How many students are enrolled?
- How many students live on campus?
- How much are library fines?
- How much does housing cost?
- How much does parking cost?
- How much is tuition?
- How much time do I have to take the proctored versions of ALEKS?
- How much will my books cost?
- How will financial aid be affected if I withdraw?
- I have already filed an application with WVU but need to send supporting documents. How can I submit my test scores and transcripts?
- If ALEKS puts me in a higher level class, do I have to take it or can I stay at the lower level?
- If applying test optional, will I be directly admitted to my major?
- Is alcohol allowed in student housing?
- Is the academic deposit required to receive a financial aid and cost estimate?
- Is there a bank on campus or in town?
- Is there a cafeteria or restaurant on campus?
- Is there a deadline to take the ALEKS assessment?
- Is there a fee to take ALEKS?
- Is there a gym on campus?
- Is there a health center on campus?
- Is there a library on campus?
- Is there Greek life at your school?
- Is there orientation for new students?
- Is there public transit nearby?
- Is WVU accredited?
- Is your school a two-year or four-year institution?
- My account has a hold. How do I get this lifted?
- My roommate decided not to go to WVU. How do I get another roommate?
- What are some fun things to do in town?
- What are the choices for on-campus housing?
- What are the eligibility requirements for financial aid?
- What are the hours of operation on campus?
- What are the requirements / classes for my major?
- What are the requirements for NCAA eligibility?
- What are the rules within student housing?
- What are the school policies on closings/cancellations?
- What are the school policies on laptops?
- What are your academic policies?
- What are your admission requirements?
- What are your most popular majors?
- What are your policies on attendance?
- What are your school colors?
- What books do I need for my classes?
- What can I expect at the in-person NSO event?
- What clubs and organizations do you have?
- What criteria will be considered when processing an admissions decision for a test optional applicant?
- What currency are fees shown in?
- What dining plans are available?
- What do I do if I have a conflict in my schedule?
- What do I do next for financial aid?
- What grants are available?
- What happens if I do not complete NSO?
- What hotels are located near campus?
- What if ALEKS improved my standing for direct admission to a major?
- What if I change my mind after submitting my application to WVU?
- What if I forgot my WVU login information?
- What if I have an IEP, 504 or need to request accommodations for ALEKS?
- What if I have more questions about financial aid?
- What if I have not taken an ACT or SAT, but plan to in the future?
- What if I score poorly on the ALEKS assessment?
- What if I want to change my major?
- What if none of the listed NSO dates work for me?
- What intramural sports do you offer?
- What is a community style bathroom?
- What is a Living-Learning Community?
- What is a Parent PLUS Loan?
- What is a Pell Grant?
- What is a Perkins Loan?
- What is a Stafford Loan?
- What is academic advising?
- What is academic forgiveness?
- What is academic probation?
- What is academic standing?
- What is Adventure WV?
- What is an academic credit?
- What is an alternative loan?
- What is an incomplete?
- What is considered full-time status?
- What is DegreeWorks?
- What is FERPA?
- What is Mountie Bounty?
- What is my classification?
- What is my student ID number?
- What is required for university graduation honors?
- What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?
- What is suite style living?
- What is test optional?
- What is the ALEKS math placement and TEAS assessment?
- What is the application fee?
- What is the average ACT or SAT score?
- What is the average class size?
- What is the average time it takes to complete the ALEKS proctored assessment?
- What is the difference between a degree and a certificate?
- What is the difference between in-state and out-of-state residency?
- What is the history of WVU?
- What is the minimum TOEFL / IELTS score?
- What is the Mountainlair?
- What is the status of my application?
- What is the Student Health Insurance Waiver?
- What is two-factor authentication?
- What is verification and how long will it take?
- What is your Federal School Code for financial aid?
- What is your grading policy?
- What is your school mascot?
- What loans are available?
- What majors or academic programs do you offer?
- What minors do you offer?
- What night or weekend activities do you have?
- What resources do you have for LGBTQ+ students?
- What resources does WVU have for parents of students?
- What scholarships are available?
- What services are offered for international students?
- What services do you have for students with disabilities?
- What should I bring for my freshman year?
- What summer aid is available?
- What types of financial aid do you have available?
- What types of student housing are available?
- What varsity sports do you offer?
- When and how will I receive my scholarship?
- When and where are my exams?
- When are mid-term grades available?
- When do classes begin and end?
- When do I buy my books?
- When do I register for classes?
- When do I submit my academic deposit? Is there a deadline?
- When is residence hall move-in?
- When is the application deadline?
- When is the deadline to pay tuition?
- When is the financial aid application deadline?
- When is the scholarship application deadline?
- When will I know my room assignment?
- When will I receive my bill and when is it due?
- When will my veterans benefits be reflected on my student bill?
- Where are my classes located?
- Where are the computer labs?
- Where can I find a class schedule?
- Where can I find a schedule of events?
- Where can I get a copy of a syllabus?
- Where can I get information on campus safety?
- Where can I park on campus?
- Where can I see statistics about WVU?
- Where do I go for technical support?
- Where do I send my documents for international admission?
- Where is the bookstore?
- Where is the nearest airport?
- Where is your school located?
- Which students are eligible to park on campus?
- Who do I contact if I have questions about ALEKS?
- Who do I contact if I have questions about my residence hall assignment?
- Who do I contact with questions about financial aid or my student account?
- Who is an international student at WVU?
- Who is my admissions counselor?
- Who is the school president?
- Why does WVU require my social security number?
- Why is there a hold on my account?
- Will applying test optional impact my ability to earn merit scholarships?
- Will I get to visit campus?
- Will my admission to WVU, or my scholarship, be rescinded if I do not meet a minimum ALEKS assessment benchmark?
- Will the Honors College at WVU consider test optional applicants?
- Will WVU require any supplemental requirements or documentation in place of a test score?